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Empowerment Technology Quarter 4 Week 1


Hi luvies! I hope you are having a great day today! Welcome to my website! This is an activity for our Empowerment Technology subject but I want to embed my personality and pour all my love into this website that may bring comfort and happiness to you, my luvies. Stay safe and take care!


- xoxo, Jyen

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VLOG 01 - a day in my life
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VLOG 01: a day in my life

May 04, 2022

May 04, 2022 - quite a memorable day for me. It was not only because after 2 years, I was finally able to go to the cinemas and watch a Marvel movie in a big screen, but it was also because I was able to meet my former classmates and I have to say it was quiet the experience. Watch my vlog if you want to know what happened that day. 

What happened that day?

04 May 2022 - My day began normally enough. I thank God for waking me up to another day. After years, I was quite pleased to see the cinema again. I was curious as to how it seemed now. Though it wasn't simply that, I missed the Spider Man: No Way Home in the cinemas so I did not let myself be late for Doctor Strange. But it wasn't simply the enthusiasm that got me up that morning; it was also the prospect of seeing my former classmates. Though we are not quite complete, it was wonderful to see everyone again. These were the people I have known since Grade 7, and we'd gone through a lot together, including good times and all of our JHS teachers’ "kasaba" moments. We simply reminisced about the past, and despite being exhausted from all of the schoolwork we have now that we are in separate schools, it provided a sense of healing.

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